A Study of Star Wars Demographics and Sentiments

This analysis is based on 1000 responses to a survey about Star Wars Demographics. Further analysis is being worked on and will be posted as it is completed. Feel free to do your own analysis, but if you publish it, please credit the author.

You can download the cleaned results here. I have removed IP Address, City, and Comments from the spreadsheet in order to protect the anonymity of the respondents. The survey originally received ~1304 responses. My SurveyMonkey subscription only allowed for 1000 responses, so I had to purge some of the data. The survey had an 81% completion rate, meaning 248 surveys were less than 20% complete. Just under 30 responses were deemed "junk responses" due to obvious troll rhetoric. And ~25 more were purged at random to bring the total to an even 1000 responses.

I should also note that I will be updating the dataset once I've finished converting the categorical values into numerical values. This will allow for simpler correlation analysis.

The following is just one example of the various visualizations I will be potsing in the future.